beyond meat vegan korean “beef”
I recently returned from Camp Blogaway where I not only made new friends, but got to try new things. One product I was particularly excited about was Beyond Meat, a line of meat substitutes made with non-GMO pea protein. Brand ambassador Priscilla Willis of She's...
that one time at blog camp
The last time I went to camp was so long ago I barely remember more than rustic accommodations, archery lessons and crafting a dreamweaver. But I just returned from a weekend at Camp Blogaway – a self billed "boot camp for food and recipe bloggers" and boy has camp...
let there be light
When we were sitting around dreaming of all the alley could be, lighting was definitely part of the discussion. Several of us on the block ride our bikes as a main form of transportation in the nicer months and I can't tell you how many times I've hit a pothole in the...
alley beautification project: some inspiration
When I started dreaming of the alley project, I had no shortage of ideas of cool things to do but I always like to see what is already out there. What someone else has done. So I went to my go-to (Google) and starting combing the web. Most of the search results...
what is nutritional yeast?
Lately more than one of my friends has been dabbling in veganism. I don't know if it will stick for them but I'm always interested in trying new things when it comes to food. I just have so many questions. How do you bake without eggs? What are substitutes for cream...
breakfast with cocktails – brunch in boise, idaho
My second feature story in the Spring 2015 edition of Edible Idaho explores the exploding brunch scene in Boise, Idaho. All the beautiful photos were taken by Guy Hand. If you’d like to see the complete online version of the magazine, click here. Brunch is taking...
it’s a little embarrassing
It's a little embarrassing to show the alley project "before" pictures – or what is actually our "current". While a lot of exciting progress is being made on the project, it's hard to convey it in an exciting way as it's all still in the conceptual stages. I can...
nampa brewer’s center
For the Spring 2015 Edible Idaho I ventured out to Nampa, Idaho for this highlight on a local business. Idaho Finds – Nampa Brewer's Center “I’m not the only game in town,” Deb Leonard says as she bags up some hops for a customer. While that might be true of beer...
chilled fennel and grapefruit soup
Our friend, Meredith Smith, is the winemaker for Sawtooth Winery and every now and then we're not only given a sneak peek but are actually invited to influence what wines get put into bottles. She brings various versions of a wine in unmarked bottles, we taste, make...
the alley plaza
The neighbors had so much fun at our inaugural get together, we almost immediately started planning our next community event. Even though I'm just now in the spring starting to write about our alley beautification project, and the process behind it, the vision started...
fizzy rizza
I was thrilled when my story was chosen for the cover of the Spring 2015 Edible Idaho cover. Of course I'm thinking that it didn't hurt that the talented Guy Hand had taken such nice photos to accompany it. The only thing more sparkling than Coiled Wines’ Rizza at...
secret ingredient brownies
Sometimes it's ok to keep secrets from your loved ones. Like what is in that box with the big shiny bow under the Christmas tree. Or that surprise party you're planning. And definitely when you're packing favorite dessert items full of things that are actually good...