Hi! I’m Linda! Welcome to the Bistro OneSix!
The number sixteen seems to want to play a big part in my life. My address is full of it. I met my husband on the 16th. We married on, you guessed it, the 16th. So we began to joke that our house was the Bistro OneSix. That I am the chef and he’s front of the house. Our two cats? Well, they raise the cuteness factor and volunteer to taste test fish (or chicken, or pork…) dishes.

I’m a graphic designer by day with an interest in all things food. I am lucky to be surrounded by people that share this passion and there’s never a shortage of inspiration or partners in collaboration. Some of my happiest memories involve big tables covered with food, plenty of wine, and extra chairs pulled up to accommodate all the friends and family.
While I started this blog to be all about food it started to morph as things tend to do.
In 2015 my husband and I, inspired by a blackberry patch, had this vision of turning the whole alley behind our house into a vertical, edible garden. SNOW Block was born. Sometimes I have to still walk out there just to make sure it’s real and I didn’t dream it. Who knew I could be so silly excited about an alley?
Sure you’ll find recipes and stories of (usually) healthy food but watch for more of a lifestyle approach that includes travel, photography, wine and writing sometimes just for writing’s sake. One that encompasses yoga, essential oils and cruising around on my bikes (yes…plural) enjoying what life in Boise, Idaho has to offer.
Thanks for stopping by.
Conferences & Events:
2018 Judge – Shore Lodge Culinary Festival, McCall, Idaho
2018 Everything Food Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah
2017 Orlando Food & Wine Conference, Orlando, Florida
2017 International Food Bloggers Conference, Sacramento, California
2016 Boise Flower & Garden Show Speaker
2016 Albertsons Signature Brand Launch Event Attendee, Los Angeles, California
2016 Orlando Food & Wine Conference, Orlando, Florida
2015 Potato Palooza, Santa Monica, California
2015 Camp Blogaway, San Bernadino Mountains, California
2015 Orlando Food & Wine Conference, Orlando, Florida
2015 Idaho Potato Commission Harvest Tour
2014 Orlando Food & Wine Conference, Orlando, Florida
Published Writings:
Edible Idaho
Boise Lifestyle Magazine
Conversations from the Brink
D&B Supply Guest Blogger
Contributing Blogger:
October Unprocessed 2015