let there be light

let there be light

When we were sitting around dreaming of all the alley could be, lighting was definitely part of the discussion. Several of us on the block ride our bikes as a main form of transportation in the nicer months and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve hit a...
alley beautification project: some inspiration

alley beautification project: some inspiration

When I started dreaming of the alley project, I had no shortage of ideas of cool things to do but I always like to see what is already out there. What someone else has done. So I went to my go-to (Google) and starting combing the web. Most of the search results...
it’s a little embarrassing

it’s a little embarrassing

It’s a little embarrassing to show the alley project “before” pictures – or what is actually our “current”. While a lot of exciting progress is being made on the project, it’s hard to convey it in an exciting way as it’s all...
the alley beautification project

the alley beautification project

It all started about this time last year. I was just looking for a home for some blackberries and the best solution happened to be along the garage in the alley. You can read all about that fateful project here. What came out of that has grown much bigger than the...