Apr 21, 2015
When I started dreaming of the alley project, I had no shortage of ideas of cool things to do but I always like to see what is already out there. What someone else has done. So I went to my go-to (Google) and starting combing the web. Most of the search results...
Apr 7, 2015
My second feature story in the Spring 2015 edition of Edible Idaho explores the exploding brunch scene in Boise, Idaho. All the beautiful photos were taken by Guy Hand. If you’d like to see the complete online version of the magazine, click here. Brunch is taking...
Mar 31, 2015
It’s a little embarrassing to show the alley project “before” pictures – or what is actually our “current”. While a lot of exciting progress is being made on the project, it’s hard to convey it in an exciting way as it’s all...
Mar 16, 2015
The neighbors had so much fun at our inaugural get together, we almost immediately started planning our next community event. Even though I’m just now in the spring starting to write about our alley beautification project, and the process behind it, the vision...
Mar 14, 2015
I was thrilled when my story was chosen for the cover of the Spring 2015 Edible Idaho cover. Of course I’m thinking that it didn’t hurt that the talented Guy Hand had taken such nice photos to accompany it. The only thing more sparkling than Coiled Wines’...