Jul 17, 2019
I’m no stranger to Edible Idaho but usually I’m on the other side of the table – either as the writer or photographer. So it was really fun to be the interviewee for this article on bloggers. I have an interesting perspective as I am both a blogger and I...
Oct 19, 2016
For the fall 2016 edition of Edible Idaho, I popped in to check out the handcrafted sodas and tonics at this carefully tucked away drinking spot in downtown Boise. Inside the Adelmann Building in Boise, through the wooden double doors on Idaho Street, it’s not...
Jun 13, 2016
I was recently asked to write an article about the SNOW Block alley for the website Conversations from the Brink. Usually I write about the gardening aspects of the project but this piece talks more about the sociological impact it’s had on our block. Enjoy!...
Mar 29, 2016
When Idaho Statesman writer Anna Webb wrote the story on the SNOW Block Alley last summer she happened to take a peak inside the gate to our backyard. She said she was working on a story on shade gardens for the spring and would I be interested in being featured. The...
Jan 18, 2016
My third story in the 2015 Winter Edition of Edible Idaho explores the kombucha craze of the small batch, locally made variety as well as the national trend. Photos by the very talented Guy Hand as well as myself. Lightly Fizzy, Slightly Sour The kombucha craze shows...