Sep 27, 2016
This was originally posted on August 11, 2012 but I’ve updated it a bit and also added new photography. Enjoy! I have yet to find anything that isn’t better with bacon. I’m not saying it’s not out there but it’s seeming doubtful. I tried...
Aug 18, 2016
Every season has tastes that define it but none more so than summer. Red tomatoes and basil picked from the backyard; peaches so ripe that juice drips off my chin and fingers when I eat them; and nothing beats really cold, crisp watermelon on a hot day. I start buying...
Aug 19, 2013
I am inspired by some of my friends that when it comes to cooking, they never seem to throw anything away. Carrot tops can be made into pesto. Watermelon rind can be pickled. They get the most out of everything, and everything is always delicious. I aspire to be more...
Jul 29, 2013
I like pie. A lot. I remembered just how much (not that one really forgets these things) when I saw a recipe for hand pies in a summer edition of Bon Appetit and while I’m sure blueberries are great, as they had in their version, it was blackberries that I...
Jun 3, 2013
It’s hard for me to sit here and preach about healthy food when my last post was a cocktail made with avocado, Kahlua, Bailey’s and laced with chocolate (and worth every last calorie might I add). But I try to keep that type of recipe as an exception, not...