Feb 2, 2016
When the big snow storm hit the East Coast recently, I have to admit I was a bit jealous. I wished it was going to be us that were to be snowed in. My romanticized version included watching movies in front of the fire, snuggled up with the Hubs and my two furry...
Apr 13, 2014
It might be spring but while the days are longer and warmer, there is still a nip in the air when the sun goes down that calls for soup. Not chili or stews that are full of long-cooking meats and veggies. Something a little lighter. A little brighter. I’ve been...
Nov 5, 2013
It’s something we have talked about doing for months, if not years, but you know how it is – even the best intentions aren’t enough sometimes. That’s when I just have to make it happen. Pick a date, put it on the calendar and make a point to carve...
Dec 22, 2012
It seems like each holiday season I get invited to a cookie swap and each year I politely decline. It’s not that I’m a cookie hater – quite the contrary in fact. It’s just that December is already such a sugar high that the last thing I need to do is...
Nov 15, 2012
There are so many recipes out there that my “to-make” list is longer than most children’s letters to Santa, and for that reason, I don’t tend to make a lot of things twice. But there are a few rare recipes that are just so good that they are...