how our garden grows

how our garden grows

Seems like these days I’m always way behind on the posts about the alley but it’s hard to have much time to write about it when I’m still working on it! At the root of it all (pun intended) – we could’t have done our alley project without the...
the alley plaza

the alley plaza

The neighbors had so much fun at our inaugural get together, we almost immediately started planning our next community event. Even though I’m just now in the spring starting to write about our alley beautification project, and the process behind it, the vision...
a sense of community

a sense of community

In my first post I described how the vision for the alley beautification project came into being. But before I got too far ahead of myself, the next step was to put together an outline and see whether the neighbors thought it was as good of an idea as I did. This...