baked pumpkin oatmeal

baked pumpkin oatmeal

Might as well jump on the pumpkin band wagon as it seems like all the cool kids are doing it! I was in Trader Joe’s a few days ago and every end aisle facing the cash registers was filled with pumpkin products. Pumpkin tortilla chips. Pumpkin butter. Canned...
the alley plaza

the alley plaza

The neighbors had so much fun at our inaugural get together, we almost immediately started planning our next community event. Even though I’m just now in the spring starting to write about our alley beautification project, and the process behind it, the vision...
chai pumpkin smoothie

chai pumpkin smoothie

Smoothies are just milkshakes with a better reputation. Or at least they can be. Sure, they carry this yoga-pant-wearing, Whole-Food-shopping, healthier-than-thou connotation but often include sugar-laden yogurt (regular or frozen), lots of fruit (more sugar) and some...
confessions of a caramel pusher

confessions of a caramel pusher

I try to eat healthy… really, I do. And most of the time, I cook that way too (I mean really… kale and quinoa are staples of my diet – sometimes I even go crazy and put them together!). Oh sure… there’s plenty of posts about bacon here but in...
pumpkin banana pancakes

pumpkin banana pancakes

I like to be tricky. Find ways to cut the sugar and the fat on the sly without the diner ever knowing the difference. It’s just how I roll. It’s amazing how far a banana or some canned pumpkin will go so why not go for broke and use them both? It was so...