Oct 14, 2015
Might as well jump on the pumpkin band wagon as it seems like all the cool kids are doing it! I was in Trader Joe’s a few days ago and every end aisle facing the cash registers was filled with pumpkin products. Pumpkin tortilla chips. Pumpkin butter. Canned...
Oct 8, 2015
The 6th Annual October Unprocessed is well underway and I’m doing my best to stick to my pledge. I don’t approach this challenge with the absolutes that some do (hence the almond milk latte I had this morning) but I do use it as an opportunity to be more...
Jan 8, 2015
I may never buy crackers again. It’s just that simple. These are so easy to make. So easy to modify with different seasonings. Crispy and crunchy and perfect for transporting dip (as shown in my last post). Even my husband, who is suspect of anything...