Aug 19, 2013
I am inspired by some of my friends that when it comes to cooking, they never seem to throw anything away. Carrot tops can be made into pesto. Watermelon rind can be pickled. They get the most out of everything, and everything is always delicious. I aspire to be more...
Aug 12, 2013
I had a friend that used to call me the Mistress of Frozen Desserts – and really, what’s not to like about a title like that? It was the result of a summer where my ice cream maker put in overtime and there was a focus on sorbets – especially combinations of...
Sep 4, 2012
It’s not like marinara is expensive to buy necessarily and tomato sauce definitely isn’t, so each year when the kitchen is destroyed and my back aches from standing all day I question why I go to all the work to make my own sauce. What makes me take on...
Aug 21, 2012
There’s certainly nothing earth-shattering about this post. It’s a simple caprese salad. No new twist on it. Nothing unexpected. Just the traditional sliced tomatoes topped with fresh mozzarella, basil with a drizzle of good olive oil and balsamic (this...
Aug 5, 2012
There are so many things that a kid that I absorbed from those around me. Things that become the norm, never given a second thought until called into question by an outside source years later. This was the case one day as I had a salt shaker poised over a generous...