Oct 4, 2016
For the Summer 2016 edition of Edible Idaho I paired up with Scott Ki to write this article on the changing scene of Garden City. Redesigning Garden City Artisans blend drinks and design in urban environment By Scott Ki and Linda Whittig Photos by Gabriel Border In...
Jul 26, 2016
Apple Lucy’s is known for their pie but for the summer edition of Edible Idaho I journeyed out to my old stomping grounds to see what else they are cooking up. In past years, if you’ve ever arrived at Boise’s Capital City Public Market late on a sunny Saturday...
Jul 5, 2016
Warning: a Life of Spice by Monica Bhide is going to make you wish you cooked more Indian food … or at least ate more! That was the case for me when I read and reviewed this book for Edible Idaho’s Spring 2016 edition. Book Review: A Life of Spice...
Jun 13, 2016
I was recently asked to write an article about the SNOW Block alley for the website Conversations from the Brink. Usually I write about the gardening aspects of the project but this piece talks more about the sociological impact it’s had on our block. Enjoy!...