Aug 24, 2016
There’s these really fancy crackers – I won’t mention their name but they tempt me in the aisles of Whole Foods. The palette of jewel tones representing the different flavors. The nuts and seeds and dried fruits peeking at me through the cellophane...
Dec 13, 2013
I didn’t even know how to pronounce it, let alone know what it was but on the glossy pages of the cookbook it looked beautiful, was seasonal and once I figured out that frangipane was a filling made with almonds, butter, sugar and rum – well what’s not to...
Nov 5, 2013
It’s something we have talked about doing for months, if not years, but you know how it is – even the best intentions aren’t enough sometimes. That’s when I just have to make it happen. Pick a date, put it on the calendar and make a point to carve...