cleanse cocktail

cleanse cocktail

Cleanse cocktail? Isn’t that an oxymoron? It conjured up visions of a drink that would include kale and vinegar with maybe some cayenne and garlic and that would involve plugging my nose to gag down. Boy was I happily surprised when I scanned the ingredients and...
smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em

smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em

All the sudden I find myself looking at things wondering if I can smoke them. Now I realize that might cause a raised eyebrow unless of course you’ve happened to read one of my very first posts which was about a cold smoker product that I just love – the...
blackberry sage fizz

blackberry sage fizz

It’s easy to get in a rut. To default to the familiar especially when the familiar is known to be tasty. Thus might be the case in our household with mojitos. They are just so dang refreshing on a hot summer day. But the whole thing with writing a food blog is...
like pie in a glass

like pie in a glass

My husband loves strawberry rhubarb pie. And he’s pretty fond of vodka. Hmmmm…. this gives me an idea. Infusing vodka is really very simple, not to mention tasty. With all the wonderful fresh fruit in season, there’s no shortage of options like...
when life hands me cherries

when life hands me cherries

For me, it’s a sure sign that summer has arrived when fresh, local cherries hit the fruit stands. Not only is this a defining moment, it’s a tasty one too. So it couldn’t have been more appropriate when my husband showed up with three big bags, fresh...