Jan 7, 2014
I hate to throw produce (or really any food for that matter) out so have been adding leftover veggies that are threatening to wilt in the fridge into my salads here and there and while the oven is nice and hot for most dinners, roasting off other veggies. Tonight I...
Jan 2, 2014
It didn’t escape me that the first day of the Bon Appétit Food Lover’s Cleanse was completely vegetarian but I have to say, today’s menu was so flavor packed (and no, I’m not just saying that), that I didn’t miss meat too much. Notes from...
Oct 17, 2013
It happens at the end of each summer – I have more tomatoes that I hardly know what to do with. The freezer is already full of marinara, and I’ve eaten them for what feels like breakfast, lunch and dinner for weeks. But I know that when the bounty is gone and...
Oct 13, 2013
When we planted our community garden I think it’s fair to say that we got a bit carried away with the tomatillos. I’m not sure if we didn’t fully realize how big the plants get or maybe we didn’t grasp the sheer amount of fruit that one plant...
Sep 18, 2013
I’ve been giving more thought to the saying “waste not, want not” these days although perhaps not in the manner in which it is intended. The pondering is not driven by a monetary factor (although it never hurts to save a dime) but is more about the...