the more the marinara

the more the marinara

It’s not like marinara is expensive to buy necessarily and tomato sauce definitely isn’t, so each year when the kitchen is destroyed and my back aches from standing all day I question why I go to all the work to make my own sauce. What makes me take on...
they grow up so fast

they grow up so fast

I equate having a garden as being a bit like having kids (albeit this analogy is from someone that has no kids, so you might want to factor that in). I imagine what it will grow up to be like long before it is ever conceived. I wait anxiously for the first signs of...
Garden of Eatin’

Garden of Eatin’

I grew up with a huge garden – and by huge, I mean feed-a-small-third-world-nation kind of huge. There were rows of berries and grapes, suitable for constant grazing. Tall stands of sweet yellow corn to play hide and seek amongst. Melons and zucchinis sending...