a shot of summer

a shot of summer

We’re having a gorgeous Indian summer here in Boise, and the kitchen counter continues to be littered with tomatoes picked fresh from the vine. Recently I helped out with the food for a baby shower and bruschetta is about as plentiful as tomatoes these days so I...
it’s like vegetable candy

it’s like vegetable candy

It happens at the end of each summer – I have more tomatoes that I hardly know what to do with. The freezer is already full of marinara, and I’ve eaten them for what feels like breakfast, lunch and dinner for weeks. But I know that when the bounty is gone and...
basque baked eggs

basque baked eggs

I like breakfast well enough. It’s certainly not my favorite meal of the day but on at least one morning of the weekend, I try to make something worth lingering over with my husband. But I felt like I was sort of in a rut – turning to variations of either...
summer: a hard act to follow

summer: a hard act to follow

The forecast is for 28° tonight. If this was going to be an isolated incidence, I would probably dash out with an armful of sheets and cover my garden but it would only be a futile attempt at prolonging the inevitable. It IS October after all and I should revel in the...
bloody lucky!

bloody lucky!

We are so lucky to have foodie friends that not only make for wonderful evenings filled with tables of food that would rival that of any restaurant but also sometimes drop off little care packages on our doorstep. So was the case a week ago. We were just leaving to...