smoky garbanzo bean salad

smoky garbanzo bean salad

I’m willing to bet it’s happened to a lot of us. You walk into a BBQ, go to the picnic table to set down your contribution, and realize you aren’t the only one that has brought a potato salad, or pasta salad or green salad. And while I like all of...
my new favorite summer salad

my new favorite summer salad

It’s hard for me to sit here and preach about healthy food when my last post was a cocktail made with avocado, Kahlua, Bailey’s and laced with chocolate (and worth every last calorie might I add). But I try to keep that type of recipe as an exception, not...
sweet potato salad with bacon and spicy candied pecans

sweet potato salad with bacon and spicy candied pecans

So I has this bright idea to enter a recipe contest for the new American potato salad. Writing a recipe from scratch for something like this is harder that I expected. There are so many junctions that would steer the dish in one direction or another. Do I put in green...
not so special caprese salad

not so special caprese salad

There’s certainly nothing earth-shattering about this post. It’s a simple caprese salad. No new twist on it. Nothing unexpected. Just the traditional sliced tomatoes topped with fresh mozzarella, basil with a drizzle of good olive oil and balsamic (this...
a kohlrabi reunion

a kohlrabi reunion

Growing up my dad always grew kohlrabi in his garden and it was a regular on the dinner table – peeled and sliced into wedges served icy cold. It’s the only way I’d ever really considered eating this vegetable, a relative of cabbage, until I saw this...