Aug 19, 2013
I am inspired by some of my friends that when it comes to cooking, they never seem to throw anything away. Carrot tops can be made into pesto. Watermelon rind can be pickled. They get the most out of everything, and everything is always delicious. I aspire to be more...
May 15, 2013
I grew up on a farm where dinner was eaten at noon and supper in the evening. It made sense that you’d want the big meal in the middle of the day when the workload was the heaviest and something lighter at night when it was hot and there was still irrigation...
Jul 13, 2012
If you’ve ever grown mint, you know that you don’t ever grow a little mint… if it’s not contained, soon it’s popping up all over the place. We just take it as a sign that it’s time to make mojitos. Normally my husband is the mojito...