freezing summer

freezing summer

I love summer for all the fresh fruits. I can’t keep myself from buying big bags of cherries and apricots and berries along with the usuals I have on hand – bananas and apples. Problem is I can’t begin to eat them all fast enough before they get too ripe...
blackberry sage fizz

blackberry sage fizz

It’s easy to get in a rut. To default to the familiar especially when the familiar is known to be tasty. Thus might be the case in our household with mojitos. They are just so dang refreshing on a hot summer day. But the whole thing with writing a food blog is...
lemon roasted green beans

lemon roasted green beans

Our community garden is kickin’ into high gear and the first picking of tri-colored beans (it’s just too bad that the purple ones turn green when cooked) was a bountiful one! Since the other partners in the garden were coming to dinner, I laid claim to the...
watermelon mojito

watermelon mojito

If you’ve ever grown mint, you know that you don’t ever grow a little mint… if it’s not contained, soon it’s popping up all over the place. We just take it as a sign that it’s time to make mojitos. Normally my husband is the mojito...
it is national blueberry month afterall

it is national blueberry month afterall

I was looking at the posts in my blog the other day and noticed I have a thing for blueberries. There were blueberries on my pancakes, blueberries on my yogurt, and even blueberries in my pasta salad. I figured it IS National Blueberry Month after all, so I might as...