roasted nectarine-buttermilk sherbet with basil

roasted nectarine-buttermilk sherbet with basil

I had a friend that used to call me the Mistress of Frozen Desserts – and really, what’s not to like about a title like that? It was the result of a summer where my ice cream maker put in overtime and there was a focus on sorbets – especially combinations of...
my new favorite summer salad

my new favorite summer salad

It’s hard for me to sit here and preach about healthy food when my last post was a cocktail made with avocado, Kahlua, Bailey’s and laced with chocolate (and worth every last calorie might I add). But I try to keep that type of recipe as an exception, not...
rice with lobster stock, mushrooms and asparagus

rice with lobster stock, mushrooms and asparagus

My husband and I are going through Top Chef withdrawals. We finished Season Ten with gusto and no sooner had the credits rolled that it dawned on us that we were out of Sunday night viewing material. See – this is what we do. Sunday nights are carved out for him and I...
basque baked eggs

basque baked eggs

I like breakfast well enough. It’s certainly not my favorite meal of the day but on at least one morning of the weekend, I try to make something worth lingering over with my husband. But I felt like I was sort of in a rut – turning to variations of either...
morningstar eggs florentine

morningstar eggs florentine

A few years ago I signed up to be a BzzAgent. It’s a cool program where I am sent products to try and then I report back with how I like them and also spread the word to my friends. It’s been a really cool way to try products I might not have otherwise...