getting to gnocchi

getting to gnocchi

I always come to a perusing screeching halt when I see gnocchi listed on a menu. What’s not to love about these fluffy little pillows of potato usually floating under some wonderful blanket of sauce? Well, except that I always seem to forget how not light they...
first fromage foray

first fromage foray

I do love cheese, but really what’s not to love (plus I am married to a guy from Wisconsin after all)? But the thought of making it has always seemed more like a science experiment than cooking. Yes, I realize that’s really what all cooking is to some...
lemon roasted green beans

lemon roasted green beans

Our community garden is kickin’ into high gear and the first picking of tri-colored beans (it’s just too bad that the purple ones turn green when cooked) was a bountiful one! Since the other partners in the garden were coming to dinner, I laid claim to the...
a kohlrabi reunion

a kohlrabi reunion

Growing up my dad always grew kohlrabi in his garden and it was a regular on the dinner table – peeled and sliced into wedges served icy cold. It’s the only way I’d ever really considered eating this vegetable, a relative of cabbage, until I saw this...
blueberry strawberry pasta salad

blueberry strawberry pasta salad

Recently I wrote about the graduation Top Chef-esque challenge I had in Traverse City, Michigan for my husband’s daughter’s high school graduation party. She had given me a list of foods that I was attempting to incorporate into the menu, amongst which was...