Jan 30, 2013
New York City may be a long way from Boise, Idaho, but it’s certainly closer than Italy and is home to a place that definitely embodies the Italian charm. I remember walking down a cobblestone street in Rome, a shop owner out sweeping off the front step, singing...
Oct 22, 2012
I always come to a perusing screeching halt when I see gnocchi listed on a menu. What’s not to love about these fluffy little pillows of potato usually floating under some wonderful blanket of sauce? Well, except that I always seem to forget how not light they...
May 23, 2012
When thinking of Traverse City, Michigan the word “foodie” hardly came to my mind but apparently it should as there seems to be quite the movement there, focusing on true farm to table philosophies. Trattoria Stella is one restaurant that falls into this...
Apr 17, 2012
One rainy day this winter, I treated myself to a morning at a café that not only has delicious food and a great atmosphere, but also has this wonderful wall of cookbooks. They are the proprietress’s collection, open to perusal over a steaming cup of coffee or...