day 7 – over the hump

day 7 – over the hump

Sara Dickerman is the creator of the 2014 Food Lover’s Cleanse and there was a chat/Q&A session with her yesterday on Bon Appétit’s Facebook page. There were a lot of good questions and comments, but one that I hadn’t really thought about was...
cleanse cocktail

cleanse cocktail

Cleanse cocktail? Isn’t that an oxymoron? It conjured up visions of a drink that would include kale and vinegar with maybe some cayenne and garlic and that would involve plugging my nose to gag down. Boy was I happily surprised when I scanned the ingredients and...
and away we go

and away we go

Well the kitchen is completely trashed but I am ready to start the Bon Appétit Food Lover’s Cleanse tomorrow. Friends on Facebook are talking about various juice cleanses but they aren’t for me – I like to chew too much. I need a different solution to...
roasted tomatillo salsa

roasted tomatillo salsa

When we planted our community garden I think it’s fair to say that we got a bit carried away with the tomatillos. I’m not sure if we didn’t fully realize how big the plants get or maybe we didn’t grasp the sheer amount of fruit that one plant...
smoky garbanzo bean salad

smoky garbanzo bean salad

I’m willing to bet it’s happened to a lot of us. You walk into a BBQ, go to the picnic table to set down your contribution, and realize you aren’t the only one that has brought a potato salad, or pasta salad or green salad. And while I like all of...