Jan 13, 2014
It’s starting to become clear why this cleanse is only 2 weeks long as 12 days in I’m starting to freelance the recipes and sneak sweets. For the dinner tonight, the sardines just weren’t floating my boat. Maybe I’m being narrow minded but as I...
Jan 13, 2014
When I make dessert it’s usually a special occasion and I attack it with gusto – figuring that anything that is going to impress is probably going to take a couple days to make and there’s most likely a lot of butter, sugar, eggs or chocolate involved. Or...
Jan 12, 2014
I lingered over my coffee this morning making my final grocery list for the Bon Appétit Food Lover’s Cleanse. If you would have told me that any sort of cleanse was going to fly by, I would have seriously doubted you. I’m surprised to find myself already...
Jan 11, 2014
Friday night is usually a time when my husband and I will go out for dinner to regroup after our week and kick off our weekend. I was worried that staying in wouldn’t feel the same, but in the midst of a rigorous work travel schedule, I think he was more than...
Jan 9, 2014
I can’t believe it’s been a whole week already on the Bon Appétit Food Lover’s Cleanse but in a way it seems like a really long time too when I consider all the great tasting meals I’ve had in the past seven days. There’s been something...