Jul 10, 2013
Making this dip, I admit, is for purely selfish reasons. Our friends, Mark & Romy, have a pool and with the sweltering hot days we’ve been having, I like to up the chances of getting an invitation any way I can and so I like to make sure I have something...
Jun 3, 2013
It’s hard for me to sit here and preach about healthy food when my last post was a cocktail made with avocado, Kahlua, Bailey’s and laced with chocolate (and worth every last calorie might I add). But I try to keep that type of recipe as an exception, not...
Apr 23, 2013
I like breakfast well enough. It’s certainly not my favorite meal of the day but on at least one morning of the weekend, I try to make something worth lingering over with my husband. But I felt like I was sort of in a rut – turning to variations of either...
Mar 12, 2013
Poor pancakes. They seem to have a bad wrap for folks dieting or trying to eat healthy. In general I try not to make any sweeping bans on whole categories of food. I’m a firm believer of everything in moderation (including moderation at some times) because I...
Feb 18, 2013
I like snacks. They are like fun little presents between meals. Something to brighten up the afternoon doldrums. A mini vacation for both my taste buds and my tummy. But let’s face it – a lot of snacks, at least the favorites like chips or ice cream or candy...