Dec 5, 2013
There’s a soup swap that we’ve been invited to the last couple of years and while “swap” may sound innocent enough, my husband Devin and I both translate this into “competition”. You can read about how the event works here but...
Nov 5, 2013
It’s something we have talked about doing for months, if not years, but you know how it is – even the best intentions aren’t enough sometimes. That’s when I just have to make it happen. Pick a date, put it on the calendar and make a point to carve...
Oct 29, 2013
Dip season (aka: the holidays) are coming up and this is one that I have made for years that is always a major crowd pleaser, plus with its red and green colors, it suits the season. If you need to put this together in a snap, it’s easy to buy all the components...
Oct 22, 2013
I love cheese. It’s that simple. Really, what isn’t better with a little cheese? And I know I won’t hear any arguments on that from my cheesehead husband. But while loving cheese is simple, making it seemed anything but. Ricotta appeared to be the...
Oct 17, 2013
It happens at the end of each summer – I have more tomatoes that I hardly know what to do with. The freezer is already full of marinara, and I’ve eaten them for what feels like breakfast, lunch and dinner for weeks. But I know that when the bounty is gone and...