Oct 13, 2013
When we planted our community garden I think it’s fair to say that we got a bit carried away with the tomatillos. I’m not sure if we didn’t fully realize how big the plants get or maybe we didn’t grasp the sheer amount of fruit that one plant...
Sep 18, 2013
I’ve been giving more thought to the saying “waste not, want not” these days although perhaps not in the manner in which it is intended. The pondering is not driven by a monetary factor (although it never hurts to save a dime) but is more about the...
Aug 12, 2013
I had a friend that used to call me the Mistress of Frozen Desserts – and really, what’s not to like about a title like that? It was the result of a summer where my ice cream maker put in overtime and there was a focus on sorbets – especially combinations of...
Jul 15, 2013
I’m willing to bet it’s happened to a lot of us. You walk into a BBQ, go to the picnic table to set down your contribution, and realize you aren’t the only one that has brought a potato salad, or pasta salad or green salad. And while I like all of...
Jul 10, 2013
Making this dip, I admit, is for purely selfish reasons. Our friends, Mark & Romy, have a pool and with the sweltering hot days we’ve been having, I like to up the chances of getting an invitation any way I can and so I like to make sure I have something...