how to clean the juicer less

how to clean the juicer less

I may be the last person to the fresh juice party but now that I’m there I’m kicking up my heels. It all started when I was in California visiting a friend and we pulled out her very cool juicer and made a pitcher of the most delicious mix of practically...
persimmon bruschetta

persimmon bruschetta

My friend Heather is in the process of moving from Boise to Los Gatos and normally I’d do an intervention  – siting that she must be temporarily insane to give up the clean air, easy access to mountains and rivers and a bounty of friends for the high cost of...
hello pomelo

hello pomelo

I’m sure there’s a statistic out there related to the percentage of adults who eat the same thing over and over and rarely try anything new. I’m sure it’s out there – I’m just not finding it. What I did find though was an article from...
freezing summer

freezing summer

I love summer for all the fresh fruits. I can’t keep myself from buying big bags of cherries and apricots and berries along with the usuals I have on hand – bananas and apples. Problem is I can’t begin to eat them all fast enough before they get too ripe...
supergrain. super tasty.

supergrain. super tasty.

You can’t swing a magazine that includes recipes these days without hitting an article about quinoa  (pronounced KEEN-wah). Bon Appétit had an article on grains in their June edition as did Fine Cooking. And certainly for good reason. Don’t let the tiny...