Apr 16, 2013
It tasted like spring and friendship and laughter and collaboration. And wine… it definitely tasted like wine but I’m not sure that any of that actually made it into the recipe. And for that matter, there really is no recipe. Actually, I take that back –...
Mar 26, 2013
It wasn’t until the next day when I saw my friend Sarai post on Facebook about the dinner party we’d all attended the night before that it really sank in. It read, “Last night we were invited to a friend’s house for pizza and almost everything...
May 3, 2012
I grew up with a huge garden – and by huge, I mean feed-a-small-third-world-nation kind of huge. There were rows of berries and grapes, suitable for constant grazing. Tall stands of sweet yellow corn to play hide and seek amongst. Melons and zucchinis sending...