Jul 15, 2013
I’m willing to bet it’s happened to a lot of us. You walk into a BBQ, go to the picnic table to set down your contribution, and realize you aren’t the only one that has brought a potato salad, or pasta salad or green salad. And while I like all of...
Jul 10, 2013
Making this dip, I admit, is for purely selfish reasons. Our friends, Mark & Romy, have a pool and with the sweltering hot days we’ve been having, I like to up the chances of getting an invitation any way I can and so I like to make sure I have something...
Sep 26, 2012
I would like to talk to whomever came up with the saying “as easy as pie”. Pie is NOT easy. At least not if you’re making it from scratch and have visions of it ending up beautifully perfect. Well unless you’re my mom – she is the mistress of...
Aug 17, 2012
I have to give credit where credit is due on this one… this concept is 100% my husband’s. I am generally the cook in the house but when he told me about his tortilla pizzas, and then we made them, I was hooked! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. 1)...