strawberry rhubarb crisp… only frozen

strawberry rhubarb crisp… only frozen

The enthusiasm of the rhubarb plants in the garden is hard to ignore – almost as hard as the not-so-subtle suggestions from my husband that I make something with it – so when planning a menu for a recent dinner party, strawberry rhubarb crisp was one of the things...
dessert on the cleanse

dessert on the cleanse

When I make dessert it’s usually a special occasion and I attack it with gusto – figuring that anything that is going to impress is probably going to take a couple days to make and there’s most likely a lot of butter, sugar, eggs or chocolate involved. Or...
poached pear and frangipane tart

poached pear and frangipane tart

I didn’t even know how to pronounce it, let alone know what it was but on the glossy pages of the cookbook it looked beautiful, was seasonal and once I figured out that frangipane was a filling made with almonds, butter, sugar and rum – well what’s not to...
roasted nectarine-buttermilk sherbet with basil

roasted nectarine-buttermilk sherbet with basil

I had a friend that used to call me the Mistress of Frozen Desserts – and really, what’s not to like about a title like that? It was the result of a summer where my ice cream maker put in overtime and there was a focus on sorbets – especially combinations of...
avocado? in my cocktail?

avocado? in my cocktail?

It all started when a client showed up at my office a couple weeks ago bearing a signed copy of Maneet Chauhan’s new book Flavors of My World. While I didn’t know anything about this chef (I don’t have cable – it’s really a blessing as if I had...