Mar 10, 2014
If there’s my one go-to cookbook, it’s How to Cook Everything. As you might have concurred by the name, it’s a book filled with solutions for almost, well, everything. The problem with naming a cookbook, or any book for that matter, with this kind of...
Mar 19, 2013
A goal for this year was to pull a different cookbook down from the shelf each month and actually cook out of it versus just drooling over all the beautiful photography. So far I have tackled a VERY complicated, but delicious, soup recipe from Thomas Keller’s Ad...
Feb 21, 2013
Let’s start out by saying I really wanted to love this cookbook. I really did. Too bad it didn’t turn out that way. I made it my goal to pull down a cookbook off the shelf each month, dust it off, and make something out of it. For the first month, full of...
Apr 17, 2012
One rainy day this winter, I treated myself to a morning at a café that not only has delicious food and a great atmosphere, but also has this wonderful wall of cookbooks. They are the proprietress’s collection, open to perusal over a steaming cup of coffee or...