Dec 3, 2013
I read somewhere once that a good host should always greet their guests at the door with a drink in their hand. That it automatically puts everyone at ease and sets the tone for the evening. This is protocol I can live with. For dinner parties, it’s usually a...
Aug 19, 2013
I am inspired by some of my friends that when it comes to cooking, they never seem to throw anything away. Carrot tops can be made into pesto. Watermelon rind can be pickled. They get the most out of everything, and everything is always delicious. I aspire to be more...
May 28, 2013
It all started when a client showed up at my office a couple weeks ago bearing a signed copy of Maneet Chauhan’s new book Flavors of My World. While I didn’t know anything about this chef (I don’t have cable – it’s really a blessing as if I had...
Jul 24, 2012
It’s easy to get in a rut. To default to the familiar especially when the familiar is known to be tasty. Thus might be the case in our household with mojitos. They are just so dang refreshing on a hot summer day. But the whole thing with writing a food blog is...
Jul 13, 2012
If you’ve ever grown mint, you know that you don’t ever grow a little mint… if it’s not contained, soon it’s popping up all over the place. We just take it as a sign that it’s time to make mojitos. Normally my husband is the mojito...