blueberry chicken salad

blueberry chicken salad

It’s odd that for someone that tries to eat a salad almost every day – especially this time of year – that there’s so few recipes in my salad collection on this website. I think that’s because salads are often impromptu for me. A means of cleaning...
ginger-chicken meatballs with spinach

ginger-chicken meatballs with spinach

It might be spring but while the days are longer and warmer, there is still a nip in the air when the sun goes down that calls for soup. Not chili or stews that are full of long-cooking meats and veggies. Something a little lighter. A little brighter. I’ve been...
day 6 – terrific tuesday

day 6 – terrific tuesday

I hate to throw produce (or really any food for that matter) out so have been adding leftover veggies that are threatening to wilt in the fridge into my salads here and there and while the oven is nice and hot for most dinners, roasting off other veggies. Tonight I...
day 3 – satiating saturday

day 3 – satiating saturday

The weekends might normally be a test of the commitment to the cleanse but I have to admit, even I am a little shocked at how well this is going and how tasty the food is! Now why haven’t I done this Food Lover’s Cleanse before? Notes from today: • To see...