Aug 18, 2016
Every season has tastes that define it but none more so than summer. Red tomatoes and basil picked from the backyard; peaches so ripe that juice drips off my chin and fingers when I eat them; and nothing beats really cold, crisp watermelon on a hot day. I start buying...
Jun 1, 2016
Given the choice of all the summer fruits – berries and apricots; watermelon and peaches – I can say that rhubarb wouldn’t even be in my top ten. It’s close to the top of the list for the Hubs though so I find myself with big plants in the garden that...
Apr 14, 2015
Lately more than one of my friends has been dabbling in veganism. I don’t know if it will stick for them but I’m always interested in trying new things when it comes to food. I just have so many questions. How do you bake without eggs? What are substitutes...
Apr 13, 2014
It might be spring but while the days are longer and warmer, there is still a nip in the air when the sun goes down that calls for soup. Not chili or stews that are full of long-cooking meats and veggies. Something a little lighter. A little brighter. I’ve been...
Mar 15, 2014
As the weather is starting to warm up, it’s almost time to bid adieu to the root veggies of winter so this recipe that uses both butternut squash and pumpkin, plus all the warming spices like ginger, curry and cayenne, seemed like a great last hurrah. It also...