Sep 29, 2014
The Fall edition of Edible Idaho was my grand debut writing for a magazine and I am very excited to not only have one feature article but also two smaller writings in the Idaho Finds section which is just what you might think it is – highlights of local businesses and...
Sep 24, 2012
Fresh figs are one of those decadent indulgences for me because for a long time, they were only available at the local little CoOp and they were definitely premium priced, so when I saw a big carton of them for a little price at Costco, I snatched them up with glee....
Aug 21, 2012
There’s certainly nothing earth-shattering about this post. It’s a simple caprese salad. No new twist on it. Nothing unexpected. Just the traditional sliced tomatoes topped with fresh mozzarella, basil with a drizzle of good olive oil and balsamic (this...