Aug 15, 2012
I’ve been smoking a lot lately. Maybe I should clarify… I’ve been smoking a lot of FOOD lately as once I break out the cold smoker (awesome product from A-Maze-N Products) it’s frankly a bit addictive. Perhaps you saw my recent post on Smoked...
Jul 24, 2012
It’s easy to get in a rut. To default to the familiar especially when the familiar is known to be tasty. Thus might be the case in our household with mojitos. They are just so dang refreshing on a hot summer day. But the whole thing with writing a food blog is...
Jul 13, 2012
If you’ve ever grown mint, you know that you don’t ever grow a little mint… if it’s not contained, soon it’s popping up all over the place. We just take it as a sign that it’s time to make mojitos. Normally my husband is the mojito...
Jul 13, 2012
If you’re ever given an opportunity to go to one of Chandlers Steakhouse’s winemaker dinners, do it. I know the price tag can be daunting – I thought the $125 per person price tag seemed a bit steep – but after being to one, I think it’s a bargain....
Jul 6, 2012
My husband loves strawberry rhubarb pie. And he’s pretty fond of vodka. Hmmmm…. this gives me an idea. Infusing vodka is really very simple, not to mention tasty. With all the wonderful fresh fruit in season, there’s no shortage of options like...
Jun 23, 2012
For me, it’s a sure sign that summer has arrived when fresh, local cherries hit the fruit stands. Not only is this a defining moment, it’s a tasty one too. So it couldn’t have been more appropriate when my husband showed up with three big bags, fresh...