Feb 22, 2014
We rarely go out for breakfast, much to the disappointment I think of my husband, Devin. I just prefer the coziness of ambling out of bed on the weekend, making a great cup of Nespresso and seeing what I can throw together from what is in the fridge. Plus, breakfast...
Feb 16, 2014
It’s the kind of day that makes me want to bake something. It’s cloudy and windy and I’m stuck inside so why not fill the house with warm, yummy smells? This is a slippery slope though fueled by visions of comfort food – macaroni and cheese, cakes,...
Jan 25, 2014
I started off my year by doing the Bon Appétit Food Lover’s Cleanse – a two week menu that highlighted whole foods and shirked things like refined sugars, flours, and most dairy. Not only was it delicious but it was eye opening and while I don’t think...
Apr 23, 2013
I like breakfast well enough. It’s certainly not my favorite meal of the day but on at least one morning of the weekend, I try to make something worth lingering over with my husband. But I felt like I was sort of in a rut – turning to variations of either...
Mar 12, 2013
Poor pancakes. They seem to have a bad wrap for folks dieting or trying to eat healthy. In general I try not to make any sweeping bans on whole categories of food. I’m a firm believer of everything in moderation (including moderation at some times) because I...
Jan 20, 2013
A few years ago I signed up to be a BzzAgent. It’s a cool program where I am sent products to try and then I report back with how I like them and also spread the word to my friends. It’s been a really cool way to try products I might not have otherwise...