hello pomelo
I'm sure there's a statistic out there related to the percentage of adults who eat the same thing over and over and rarely try anything new. I'm sure it's out there – I'm just not finding it. What I did find though was an article from 2011 titled Unadventurous...
a pancake balancing act
Poor pancakes. They seem to have a bad wrap for folks dieting or trying to eat healthy. In general I try not to make any sweeping bans on whole categories of food. I'm a firm believer of everything in moderation (including moderation at some times) because I just...
the string cheese incident – literally
Yeah... that might be kind of a cheesy title, but this is going to be one cheesy post! We have some friends, Sarah & Kramer (referred to by friends as the Kramersteins), that push the definition of "homemade" to a whole new level. So much so that there's a whole...
café fírenze – fabio february
Let's start out by saying I really wanted to love this cookbook. I really did. Too bad it didn't turn out that way. I made it my goal to pull down a cookbook off the shelf each month, dust it off, and make something out of it. For the first month, full of enthusiasm,...
proving once again that everything is better with bacon
I like snacks. They are like fun little presents between meals. Something to brighten up the afternoon doldrums. A mini vacation for both my taste buds and my tummy. But let's face it – a lot of snacks, at least the favorites like chips or ice cream or candy bars –...
like a liquid disco ball
Some people save sparkling wines just for special occasions. Apparently pretty much any day can be special because it's hard for me to pass up the bubbles, and it just got harder. A few weeks ago we were out for a friend's birthday (a special occasion indeed) when I...
cornbread chili cups
For me, the Super Bowl is more about the commercials than the sporting aspect of the event. My other favorite part of this day is the food, of course. This year our game day included a chili cook off and we are certainly not ones to pass up this kind of challenge. And...
died and gone to (italian) heaven
New York City may be a long way from Boise, Idaho, but it's certainly closer than Italy and is home to a place that definitely embodies the Italian charm. I remember walking down a cobblestone street in Rome, a shop owner out sweeping off the front step, singing away...
ad hoc at home – or – the most complex soup I’ve ever made
I love cookbooks. I love leafing through the pages, looking at the glossy photos dreaming of the dinner parties that I would have. The problem is that I also get a couple cooking magazine subscriptions each month and they are equally enticing. And finally, factor in...
morningstar eggs florentine
A few years ago I signed up to be a BzzAgent. It's a cool program where I am sent products to try and then I report back with how I like them and also spread the word to my friends. It's been a really cool way to try products I might not have otherwise experienced. My...
basque-ing in the smoke
I'm working on how I can become an honorary Basque. I just love the spirit of this ethnic group that inhabits the rugged region that straddles the French-Spanish border in the Pyrenees mountains. In fact, they are the oldest surviving ethnic group on the European...
embracing the stereotype
Let's face it – stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason, created by characteristics or behavioral patterns that occur at least enough of the time for it to define that group of people. And while the word "stereotype" might carry a bit of a negative connotation, it...